Imagine that every artefact that you encountered online -- be it GIF, JPG, MP3, or snippet of poetry -- had its own mediachain.

Every photo that you take, every poem that you write could be stamped with proof of your authorship, using tools like Blockstack. Every creation could carry with it a unique global identifier, linked to an ISNI hub...

A mediachain using blockchain technology would use a distributed ledger to track the ownership and distribution of a digital file, such as a video, audio, or image. This would allow for a secure and transparent record of who owns the rights to the file, who has access to it, and who has distributed or used it. The process would involve the file being hashed and the hash being recorded on the blockchain as a record of ownership. This would provide a tamper-proof record of the file's existence and ownership. The chain would also enable smart contracts, which would automate the process of paying royalties to the copyright holders, for instance. This kind of media chain would have some benefits such as: Improved transparency and traceability of media ownership Better protection of copyrights Efficient tracking of usage and distribution Automation of royalty payments and licensing

Mediachain was acquired by Spotify in 2017...

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